My Month as a Mental Patient (Never Before Shared)

I just watched the season finale of The United States of Tara. (Spoiler alert) At the very end she was in the car with her husband on her way to an impatient psychiatric hospital. The 'Logical Song' by Supertramp started playing and played on into the credits. It hit me like a ton of crazy…

Mount Pleasant Woman Calls Her Own Shots – Patch

Moriah Gomez, 34, used to spend her days as a young child in a make believe world of photography. With linens as backdrops and household décor as props, she would create a space ready for the shots from her mother's 110 camera. After graduating from Washington Park High School and attending Gateway Technical College for marketing,…

Stopping the Stigma of Mental Illness

Patch Editorial. You can see the published article HERE. As May draws to a close, so does Mental Health Month. Most of us were noticing the budding tulips, complaining about the rain or celebrating Mother's Day and were probably unaware that Mental Health Month even existed. Considering that May is also National Egg Month, National…