I have thought for quite some time now that selfishness in one form or another will be society’s ultimate downfall. Daily, we see how greed affects the masses. We witness selfishness during election season. And social media shows us a minute to minute demonstration of how ugly human character can really become. We live in a me, me, me world during a now, now, now time. And, right now, that is getting scary AF.

I have been telling myself that I need a social media break. The curse of the comments sections haunts my soul as I scroll thru local articles. Knowing that these people live so near and are walking the streets sans soul or conscience is terrifying. These are my neighbors. These are people who stand next to me in line. How can they be so terrible?

Two weeks ago, there were so many people who puffed their chests with great pride exclaiming how Coronavirus was hype, they had no fear, and refused to buy a single canned good. Ok, fine. Two weeks was so…two weeks ago. We were innocent and naive. We were spoiled and pampered and oh so disgustingly privileged (well, except those who weren’t and are even less so today). We probably didn’t really think that schools would close, businesses would shut down, travel would be banned. Most of us probably thought it would blow over.

I am a classic catastrophic thinker. It reeks havoc on my mental health and annoys those who love me – but it has also created the person who makes sure to always have enough tea, meds, and epsom salt. So, while the people laughed, I worried and planned. But that’s just me.

Fast forward to current day. Thousands of people around the globe have been diagnosed and hundreds have died. Italy, China, France, and several other countries are on massive lock down. And each day looks vastly different from the one before right here in America. We have a President who only weeks ago called this virus a hoax. And for some reason, people are surprised that sick people all over the US cannot get tested because the “richest most powerful greatest bestest way better than the rest” country in the world can’t seem to get its fucking shit together.

Okay, Heather….breathe……slower….slower….okay.

So here we are – packed with charts and graphs and facts and scientists and doctors and people going thru the thick of it across the ocean telling us what we need to do now to avoid absolute collapse. Were lucky, right? We had time. We had warnings. Except, selfishness.

“This is all hype.” (its not.)

“Media, media, media.” (thank god we have it…for the most part. shut up and listen.)

“It only kills the sick and old.” (so just fuck them, I guess?? what the fuck is wrong with you?)

“I’m not changing MY life out of fear.” (great, tough guy. so happy your big manly penis is somehow going to keep you from potentially harming others.)

“Its only the flu.” (can you even read??)

I just can’t anymore, people.

I watched Sanjay Gupta on Colbert the other night. He said that until now, he has never been so cognizant and concerned with how his simple actions can critically affect another human. Everything we do right now will determine how slow or how rapidly this dissipates and how many will be infected. Washing our hands isn’t just to keep ourselves safe – but everyone in our vicinity. Social distancing isn’t just protecting our immune systems – but the immune system of our communities. Buying two packs of toilet paper instead of twenty, staying home from work when you’re sick, not taking your sick kid to the Olive Garden, leaving some cough medicine for the next guy, generously tipping those whom are risking their well-being to serve you DURING A PANDEMIC – these are all ways we should be thinking of others and not only ourselves.

Perhaps this virus is here to teach us some kind of lesson. Scientists would scoff because that isn’t very sciency. But still, lets just say the universe has ways of teaching asshole humans lessons from time to time. What if maybe, just maybe Corona birthed a new baby to teach people to be a little more compassionate, patient, empathetic, selfless? Maybe it is here to show us just how terrible we can be and that perhaps we need to change that.

Maybe instead of whining about that cancelled event we should say, “I am glad I didn’t have to make the decision for myself because this is clearly the right thing to do even though it would have been a difficult decision.”

Maybe instead of blaming the media for all of the hype we should say, “I should probably listen and think critically about what experts are saying.”

Maybe instead of declaring that you refuse to stay home because no virus will disturb your impressive social life you should say, It is probably better that I don’t unknowingly spread sickness to others who may not be able to fight it. And also, I could use a nap because being so cool is exhausting.”

This isn’t all about you. It isn’t all about keeping yourselves from dying. It isn’t about proving something to someone or yourself. It isn’t about being right. I mean, JFC, I have never wanted to be more wrong. This is about protecting those who have less protection. It is about stopping the spread and keeping hospitals stable. It is about caring about something and someone other than yourself.

So, be a pal. Wash those hands. Stay home when you can. Be kind and thoughtful. And flatten that motherfuckin’ curve, yo.

2 thoughts on “Viral Selfishness

  1. You are correct in so many ways I agree with, but not 100% and that is the way it should be, that makes for discussion, solution finding. Selfishness is the key that needs to be cast into the deep blue seas of evil intent. Caring for others, not depriving them of toilet paper because you bought the last box at Costco – but then we see this at ever major crisis striking our communities. Thanks for your posting and making very clear to others, they are not alone on this planet….

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