Drop out. One of you. Get together and figure it out. Back the choice with every ounce of energy you have. And get to work campaigning against the most dangerous threat America has ever witnessed – this current administration.

Pick a VP.

Push voters to request absentee ballots to vote for down ticket candidates and support those candidates loudly.

The Convention will not be happening this summer anyway. We do not have to wait. Rules mean nothing right now.

All of the money going towards campaigning and primaries should instead be donated to Covid 19 resources immediately.

The people will see how you have set aside politics to save human lives. This will gain countless voters.

And you WILL save human lives.

End the campaigning against each other (which gives republicans more ammunition and time to build onto their base) and start campaigning AS A TEAM against those who are endangering our country.

We are indeed at war. Not only against a deadly virus but also against an administration who would rather people die than to lose a buck or a poll.

Greed and evil have come to a point of true and sheer destruction. YOU can save us. I am begging you, Joe and Bernie. Do the right thing.

What's on your mind?