As the world begins to re-open, as people return to work, as businesses unlock their doors, many are attempting to find ways to do these things safely – at least that is the hope. Unfortunately, some rule-makers are ill-informed or using old data. And when considering Covid-19, “old” can mean two weeks ago. We are learning more and more each day about how this virus works. Many companies are taking the temperatures of employees, customers, clients as they enter the building and they are using that number as means to determine someone’s health. Sadly, this is absurd and will not protect people.

  • Then you also need to consider that 98.6 doesn’t really mean shit anymore. A significant portion of the population run much lower than that regularly. So if those people get a fever, it wouldn’t even register within what people consider “normal”. I am one of those people. I can run anywhere from 96 – 97.8 on a typical day. I can’t remember the last time I got up to 98.
  • People who contract Covid may take up to 14 days before they start showing symptoms. FOURTEEN DAYS! There is a whole lotta spreading going on in those 14 fever-free days.
  • And let’s not forget the asymptomatics! Those sneaky bastards can be carrying and spreading the virus for an estimated 34 days. Do you know how many people one comes into contact with in that amount of time? Or how many surfaces one touches?

As you can see, there are many reasons why using a person’s temperature as a measurement of health and Covid status is ridiculous. And this is how employers are going to keep their workforce safe? This is how stores are going to keep customers from spreading the Rona? This is how transportation services are going to keep the virus from infecting passengers? COME ON! Yea sure. Let’s just open everything up because clearly, y’all got it all figured out.

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