The Agony of Losing a Pet

My eyes ache in a way that is unfortunately familiar, but unfelt in many years. My heart feels an emptiness that is also bitterly nostalgic from long ago. Not wanting to go to sleep because waking up and realizing the truth once again is exhaustingly sad. Loss has to be the worst feeling that could…

Cutie Patooties

We went out on Browns Lake yesterday. It was a strange day which I will explain later. But I thought I would share these goofy videos of my neice and daughter on the boat. There are also some pictures in my latest album titled June 2008.    if(window.$WebSecurity){window.$WebSecurity.FlashDetection.HandleEmbedCode('2532324a-d556-47ff-beae-3d06968ba41d', '\x3cembed src\x3d\x22http\x3a\x2f\\x2fv\x2fNEJwBWwxvos\x26amp\x3bhl\x3den\x22 width\x3d\x22425\x22 height\x3d\x22355\x22 type\x3d\x22application\x2fx-shockwave-flash\x22 wmode\x3d\x22opaque\x22 pluginspage\x3d\x22http\x3a\x2f\\x2fgo\x2fgetflashplayer\x22…